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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Coolant level

Essential fatty acids at work
The human body and inflammation.  All bodies experience inflammation whether it is brought on by tissue irritation, injury, infection, or by your diet.  

This short informative post will focus on anti-inflammatory foods that will help control inflammation in your body.  Think of this as cooling your body down.  Reducing inflammation is not just about eating a smart diet - exercise, hydration, and quality sleep all do their part in helping you attain optimum health.

This is my "More and Less" diet menu.  Keep in mind this is not a inclusive menu.

Spoon it up-drink it down
1. Fresh fish
2. Nuts
3. Olive oil 
4. Fresh fruit
5. Chicken breast
1. Simple sugars
2. Common cooking oils
3. Trans fats
4. Dairy 
5. Alcohol

Fruit Coolant
Balance this, balance that.  Optimum health is about balance and keeping it consistent and simple to follow.  Smart diet choices, daily exercise, hydrate the body well, and hit the rack for quality sleep.
Win every day with a healthy balance.  DB

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