This is a drill I use to cross train as it emulates what a defensive back and wide receiver experience over 50 times during a game. You will be tested on your balance, footwork, and physicality during this drill. This is a great cross training exercise for all athletes as it involves contact, finesse, and will upload your competitive juices. Warm up properly before hand as you would with any exercise.
-Mark off 30 yards of space on a decent playing surface.
-Line up facing your partner 2 yards away in a ready position (as a DB)
-At the sound of "GO" you will become locked up with your partner for 5 seconds
-Use your hands and legs for power and stay in contact for 5 seconds - grind away!
-Count to five out loud together and release each other on "5"
-Your partner will now take off for the finish line
-Stay with your partner, ride his hip and do some light body bumping along the way
-Complete the run with your partner and walk back to the starting point
Physical Bumpin |
This drill will give you a small appreciation of what a DB goes through when being asked to cover a receiver for 60 minutes on the turf.
8 repetitions will create a warm lather of sweat on the body. Working together with your partner makes this drill fun and physical at the same time. Expect some soreness, a body bruise, maybe even a small cut. Some physical bumpin does the body good.
Phew, I'm tired just reading about it! ;-) Awesome post, DB. As usual, straight ahead, succinct, informative and fun to read. I like it! LK